Conservatives caught lying in election leaflets leads to demands for Tory chairman to step down

There are demands that the chairman of the Saffron Walden Conservative Constituency Association step down after ‘deliberate untruths’ are exposed in their district council election campaign material. R4U’s Cllr John …read more →

Independent planners question Westminster motives for punitive action against Uttlesford

Independent planning experts have been questioning the government’s real motives for taking control of major planning decisions in Uttlesford. Cllr John Evans, UDC portfolio holder for Planning and the Local …read more →

Confidence motion at UDC exposed to be based on fabrications by Westminster opposition parties

The Motion of No Confidence filed by the Westminster opposition at UDC has been exposed to be based on fabrications and dismissed. R4U’s Cllr John Lodge, who is Leader of …read more →

Fact Checking the Conservatives

Rather than deliver a manifesto of positive policy pledges, Uttlesford Conservatives have resorted to a negative and personal campaign with untruths and manipulation. The responses are pretty dry, but below …read more →