Wednesday 16th March 2015, Saffron Walden: Residents for Uttlesford (R4U), the local party of towns and villages, has published a traffic map of Saffron Walden to highlight the traffic problems that will be caused by the current District Council administration’s failed Local Plan. The map is based on a new traffic report produced by Transport Planning Associates which uses underlying Essex County Council data.

Last year UDC’s Local Plan was rejected by the Planning Inspectorate, but not before UDC had already approved over 600 new homes in Saffron Walden. An appeal for 300 more by Kier is being heard this week. The application under appeal is opposed by residents and the Saffron Walden Town Council. UDC decided not to fight the appeal because it is one of the sites they promoted in their rejected Local Plan.
In his Local Plan refusal, Inspector Roy Foster criticised plans for large-scale building in Saffron Walden, stating that “Major Modifications” were required to the road and traffic proposals. This latest report, produced for home-builder Kier, serves to underscore his concerns.