Both Town and District Councillors have been trying very hard to get the pot holes on Elm Grove in front of the car park, and the pot hole in the middle of the traffic lights on the High Street, repaired and repaired properly (no ‘quick fixes’ please).

George St Junction
A number of us had a meeting with representatives from Essex Highways to discuss both issues. The pot holes on Elm Grove had been given the lowest priority on their scale as they were not (yet!) deep enough, nor are they located on a major route, to warrant urgent repair. We have been told that these will be repaired within then next few months and will be monitored for any deterioration prior to repair.

Outside the Duke of York
The pot hole on the High Street is a more complicated issue given that to repair it properly would necessitate the closing of one of the major through routes of the town. It is thought that the culvert that runs beneath the ground runs close to where this hole keeps appearing and is possibly the reason why it keeps appearing. As such it will require some form of additional structural support and this needs investigating. Patch repairs will be done on this hole until a plan to repair it properly is put in place. I can assure you that both Town and District Councillors will keep pressing these issues.

George Street Junction (Angle #2)