Here’s what I’ve been up to in my first few months at UDC as your district councillor for Elsenham and Henham.
I think (hope!) I’ve settled down to the role quickly. I’ve met with the many of the senior staff at UDC and I know they’re working hard for you. My approach is to keep politics out of discussions and make myself easy to work with so that it is easy for UDC staff to work on the things that are important to you.
Given that the threat of a large new settlement still hangs over our lovely villages, R4U asked me to be one of their 2 representatives on the Planning Policy Working Group. This group is the set of councillors that provides oversight over the Local Plan process. Our villages finally have a seat at the table!
There has also been loads of casework. I’ve helped with neighbourly disputes; planning violations; Persimmon Homes’ failure to complete what they were supposed to do; the Village fete; raising donations money for flower beds; helping a 92 year old lady getting her fence sorted that was damaged by weeds from UDC ground; started a mum-and-baby group for new people that have moved into our villages; and started investigations into our waste bins. I also donated £250 of my community grant allocation to the fabulous Dinky Dragon toddler group in Henham. Even though not everything I’ve done is directly council work, you know I love getting things done for our community!
And thanks for the kind words and support I get from you all in our villages.
Petrina x