Uttlesford District Council has issued the following statement in support of Black Lives Matter by Cllr Louise Pepper (R4U), UDC Portfolio Holder for Equalities.
“I was saddened and appalled by the recent killing of George Floyd in the USA. The world-wide response shows that this tragedy has been felt globally. It highlights the discrimination and injustice that still exists for BAME communities. Discrimination is never acceptable and nobody should ever have to face it because of the colour of their skin. Never. In the UK we still have much to do to eradicate discrimination in our society.”Louise Pepper (R4U)
“Uttlesford District Council is fully committed to treating everyone in our district fairly and with respect and to listening to all voices in our communities. I would like to assure all residents that we will not tolerate discrimination, whether as an employer, in the delivery of our services, when applying our policy guidelines or where we see it in our district. We believe Black Lives Matter.” 8th June 2020
Residents for Uttlesford fully supports this statement.