R4U at UDC puts in place immediate and mid-term actions to improve ‘rubbish’ kerbside collections

The R4U administration at Uttlesford District Council (UDC) has acknowledged that kerbside bin collection in Uttlesford is currently unacceptable and in response has put in place immediate and mid-term actions …read more →

ECC new Book-to-Bin system ‘not being properly evidenced’ as Herts CC seeks to ban Uttlesford residents in return

The trial of the new pre-booking system which Essex County Council (ECC) has introduced at all of its recycling centres is a ‘sham’ and a ‘mess’ according to Residents for …read more →

Survey results: 99% of residents oppose Essex County Council ‘Book-to-Bin’ system

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has now published sent Essex County Council (ECC) the results of its survey into ECC’s proposals to implement a pre-booking system at all of its recycling …read more →