Lucy Brett

District nurse Lucy Brett has lived in Saffron Walden for over 30 years. She’s community minded and cares about our town.

“I’m passionate about protecting our town’s character, heritage and beauty. If elected, I will work hard for all residents, supporting independent businesses and events, and seeking to enhance our green spaces and public amenities.” Lucy Brett


Lucy Brett has lived in Saffron Walden for over 30 years, where she is now raising her young family. She’s community minded and passionate about our town.

She’s a district nurse who cares a lot about people. She wants to make sure our communities are a welcome home for the young and old, existing and new residents.

She is keen to safeguard and enhance our independent character, rich heritage, and natural beauty through support for local businesses, parks, playgrounds, events, and the town’s amenities and public spaces.

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