Saffron Walden Mayor Cllr Arthur Coote has issued the following statement:

My year has Mayor has been such a memorable time for myself and my wife Elaine. When this is over we’ll be able to thank those that have supported us and my charities, including the vital Children’s Ambulance Fund.
Right now we have to focus on what we can do to work through the situation we are all in. It has been so heartening to see many volunteering and our community pulling together to support our most vulnerable residents.
In light of the latest government advice the Town Council will now need to close the majority of its facilities until further notice. This includes the playgrounds, Bridge End Gardens, the Skate Park, and even the public loos. We are required by the government to dissuade people from coming to town. It is the opposite of what we spend our normal lives trying to do. We are also closing the market, but will seek advice to see if it is viable for it to open as a limited food only market. It is heart-breaking.
Isolation saves lives. Please heed the government’s advice and keep updated by reading information reputable sources, including that provided by our councils and other authorities. If you need help please contact Uttlesford District Council or Saffron Walden Town Council. If you need our help as individuals or councillors we are here to help. Take care and stay health.
Your Mayor Councillor Arthur Coote (R4U)
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