R4U has committed to the next phase of its eco-programme to take action on climate change, protect and enhance Uttlesford’s natural resources and rural character, and take strong action on dealing with pollution.

“New electric vehicle charging points were launched in November. We will make charging points part of what we expect developers of new homes to provide, and as demand grows include them as part of the district’s new low-carbon communities.”
R4U’s Louise Pepper said “This weekend thousands of new hedging shrubs and trees were planted by the community in an R4U-led Saffron Walden Town Council action. It was fantastic to be a part of it. We can now confirm that UDC intends to plant more than 80,000 plants over the next decade, one for every resident of the district; working jointly with town and parish councils to identify land and dig into this exciting community initiative. Plants balance our carbon footprint, but also provide wildlife habitat and corridors for small mammals such as hedgehogs.”
Cllr Pepper continued “Trees need bees! Pollinators are an essential part of rural biodiversity. Residents may have noticed the decreased verge grass-cutting to encourage wild flowers and natural meadows. We intend to work in partnership with local parish councils to create additional bee and bug habitats, as well as locations for new bat boxes. We are also investigating how to reduce the use of pesticides on council owned land.”
“We committed to delivering even more through our eco-agenda in our Residents Manifesto. Next year we’ll provide an update about our new planning standards to create more open spaces and lower-carbon homes, increased local energy generation and use of renewables, our proposed district-wide plastics charter, and new air quality monitoring stations.”
Cllr Pepper concluded “The environment is close to my heart. I joined R4U because of the party’s extensive eco-agenda. We are the only party that can deliver what is needed locally. We are taking immediate action on climate change; conserving and enhancing our natural resources; protecting our rural character; and taking responsibility to reduce pollution. We are proud of what we are doing and I’m excited about our plans for 2020 and beyond!”
UDC Environment and Green Issues portfolio holder Louise Pepper used last weekend’s mass tree planting in Saffron Walden as the timing for the announcement. Here she is pictured at the event with fellow R4U district councillor and environmental champion Neil Reeve (Broad Oak and the Hallingburys Ward)