Pressure is building on Essex County Council to deliver new sustainable transport infrastructure in Uttlesford after receiving a £7.3million government grant for sustainable transport. R4U has been trying for the last 5 years to encourage Essex County Council to take an interest in cycling in Uttlesford, but so far ECC has refused.

Cllr Eke continued “I have written repeatedly to the ECC Transport Cabinet Member, but ECC continue to ignore our requests. Any competent authority would have a well-thought out cycling strategy that was actually delivering cycling infrastructure. District residents pay ECC more than £40million a year in council taxes, so it is only right we get our fair share back. We’ve got zero for cycling for years. We are redoubling our pressure on ECC to finally invest in our district. I also invite towns and villages to come forward to me with schemes they’d like us to push ECC to deliver.”