UDC votes for public consultation on draft Local Plan to start to bring an end to years of developer free-for-all

At an Extraordinary Council meeting on Monday 30th October, Uttlesford District councillors voted to approve a draft of the district’s new Local Plan for public consultation. A Local Plan sets …read more →

R4U supports new major business park on the M11 road/rail corridor at Stansted Airport, bringing 1,000s of new jobs

The planning approval by Uttlesford District Council of a large new brown-field business park, closely connected to rail, the M11 and Stansted Airport, had been welcomed by Residents for Uttlesford …read more →

R4U pushes for stronger reporting and oversight of Local Plan at UDC

The Residents for Uttlesford administration at UDC is putting in place stronger oversight and reporting of evidence to drive Local Plan delivery against a backdrop of government demands for more …read more →

Vote for the Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan on 15th September

Introduction The Saffron Walden Neighbourhood Plan (SWNP) has been completed, approved by a Government Examiner and is now being submitted to local residents for approval at the referendum to be …read more →

R4U Administration report in airport appeal provides pointers for the future

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) welcomes the findings of its administration’s report into the Stansted Airport expansion appeal as it will help focus the next phase of R4U’s programme of improvements …read more →

R4U: “Census lays bare the result of a politically fuelled developer free-for-all in Uttlesford”

The recent ONS report into the 2021 census shows that in the last decade Uttlesford has experienced the largest green-field housebuilding anywhere in the country under the Conservatives, and that …read more →

Two more victories for UDC and residents as 2 appeals for 300 houses refused in the High Court

The High and Supreme courts have backed UDC’s decision to refuse two unsustainable planning applications. R4U’s Cllr John Evans, who is UDC portfolio holder for Planning and the Local Plan, …read more →

Independent planners question Westminster motives for punitive action against Uttlesford

Independent planning experts have been questioning the government’s real motives for taking control of major planning decisions in Uttlesford. Cllr John Evans, UDC portfolio holder for Planning and the Local …read more →

House-building: Does he who pays the piper, whistle the tune?

The government’s removal of residents’ power to decide on major planning matters is all about politics. …read more →

R4U appalled that Conservatives seize control of Uttlesford planning decisions by the back door

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is appalled by a political move to bypass local decision making on housebuilding in Uttlesford. …read more →