Sharon Morris: Common sense prevails on the school run

Just before the end of last term parents at Katherine Semar Schools were sent a Parentmail advising that “…from January there will be no public access to the Goldenacre Car …read more →

R4U Cllr Joanna Parry: Delighted to be part of the New Plan group

The Uttlesford Local Plan was rejected by the Planning Inspector last month. Now that the dust has settled, it is time for UDC to put together a working group to …read more →

Sharon Morris: Understands the pressure on Saffron Walden school places

Recently I applied for a Primary School place in September 2015 for my youngest daughter. With an older sibling at both the Infants and the partner Junior Schools, as well …read more →

Neil Hargreaves: effective public consultation in Newport

Newport residents recently had the opportunity to view and comment on proposals for an 85 house development near our primary school. It was good to talk with the landowners and …read more →

R4U Cllr Heather Asker: Only 3 Saffron Walden areas at risk from flooding?

I attended last weeks’ Town Council meeting where we were briefed on a letter from ECC to suggest the three areas within the town liable to flooding from surface water. …read more →

R4U Cllr Keith Mackman: cooperating to repair the Local Plan

R4U have always been committed to open public engagement, and with the process of repairing the broken draft local plan underway, we appreciate the need to cooperate with all stakeholders …read more →

ECC R4U Cllr John Lodge: Heeding Commons warnings on air quality

The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee published its latest report last month and damns government approach to air quality at all levels,with comments such as :- “Our main recommendations …read more →

Cllr Joanna Parry: Santa over Uttlesford!

Spot Father Christmas flying over Uttlesford on Christmas Eve! At around 5.23pm on Christmas Eve if you go outside (wrap up warm!) you’ll be able to see Father Christmas’s sleigh* …read more →

ECC Cllr John Lodge: Youth Strategy must continue in 2015

This week I attended an excellent evening to showcase work sponsored by the Youth Strategy Group. There were around 10 youth organisations which presented the work they were doing and …read more →

Neil Hargreaves: How is £millions wasted ‘Fiscally prudent & good value?”

I spoke last night at the UDC full council meeting. Bringing my financial experience to the table, I explored the wasted millions at UDC, and laid the criticism at the foot …read more →