Saffron Walden flooding on South Road finally being addressed

After much local pressure from local Residents’ councillors and chasing by ECC,  BT Openreach is finally undertaking the work required on South Road in Saffron Walden to repair the drains …read more →

Accidents rise as ECC Conservatives block Uttlesford highways improvement schemes

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U)  sees accidents increase and residents’ frustration mount as local road improvement safety schemes, which were funded and should have been implemented by March this year, have …read more →

Long-running flooding issue for residents solved near Audley End Station

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted that its latest drains project, to solve the regular flooding on the B1383 / Station Approach at the entry to Wendens Ambo, has finally …read more →

Concerned about road safety as Essex County Council cuts highways maintenance funding

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) opposes Essex County Council’s axing of the Highway Rangers service as part of a new round of cuts in ECC’s self-described programme of ‘managed decline’ of …read more →

Call for action after shock County Council report exposes ‘managed decline’ of Essex roads

R4U is deeply concerned about a new Essex scrutiny report that shows a programme of ‘managed decline’ of our roads by Essex County Council (ECC), and is demanding action by …read more →

Ongoing drain clearance works moves to Newport Road in Saffron Walden

R4U is delighted that work by Essex Highways to clear the blockages in the drain system under Newport Road is now well underway. …read more →

R4U ‘delighted’ as Saffron Walden road resurfacing finally approaching

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted that Essex Highways is starting to resurface Saffron Walden’s roads. R4U’s Saffron Walden division county councillor Cllr Paul Gadd said “Essex Highways are currently …read more →

After 5 years of campaigning R4U delighted by safer new pedestrian crossing on Ashdon Road in Saffron Walden

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted that 5 years of campaigning have finally brought about the installation of the new pedestrian crossing on Ashdon Rd in Saffron Walden. R4U’s Cllr …read more →

New traffic lights and one-way scheme for London Rd and Borough Lane in Saffron Walden – R4U appalled by scheme

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is appalled by the latest traffic scheme by UDC and ECC that will push more traffic through Saffron Walden Town Centre because of the installation of …read more →

R4U concerned Saffron Walden ‘left out in the cold’ by Essex Highways

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has asked Essex County Council to review of its gritting and ploughing procedures after Saffron Walden roads were left uncleared in the recent snowstorm. Mayor of …read more →