Finally ECC take action on local accident blackspot and potholes

R4U is happy to announce that councillor chasing of road problems is finally making some progress. Last week saw the partial resurfacing of the High St pavement in Saffron Walden …read more →

Residents continue battle against ECC pothole failures

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) sees residents’ despair at the “dire” and “dismal” state of local roads and continues to fight Essex County Council’s “managed decline” of highway maintenance. R4U’s Cllr …read more →

R4U councillors continue their pothole campaign against Essex County Council’s “managed decline” of our roads

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is continuing to campaign against Essex County Council’s “managed decline” of Uttlesford roads as potholes get much worse. R4U’s Cllr Paul Gadd, Essex County Councillor for …read more →

Residents asks Essex County Council to fix the “shocking state” of Uttlesford roads

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has written to Essex Highways to represent local residents’ concerns at the shocking state of our local roads. R4U’s Cllr Paul Gadd, Essex County Councillor (ECC) …read more →

Concerned about road safety as Essex County Council cuts highways maintenance funding

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) opposes Essex County Council’s axing of the Highway Rangers service as part of a new round of cuts in ECC’s self-described programme of ‘managed decline’ of …read more →

Call for action after shock County Council report exposes ‘managed decline’ of Essex roads

R4U is deeply concerned about a new Essex scrutiny report that shows a programme of ‘managed decline’ of our roads by Essex County Council (ECC), and is demanding action by …read more →

Nominate the pothole you want repaired!

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is asking residents to tell us which local potholes they would like to see repaired for prioritisation with ECC. R4U’s Cllr Paul Gadd, Essex County Councillor …read more →

Potholes more than doubled to 6,700 in two years

R4U’s analysis it has undertaken on data obtained from Essex County Council shows that the authority is failing to keep on top of the pothole problem in Uttlesford after problems have …read more →

The state of Ashdon Road – Like a Warzone!

Saffron Walden councillor Heather Asker and I have been pushing Essex County Council for some months now to fix the appalling state of some of our roads in the Saffron …read more →

The signs, they ain’t a-changing…

How do Gnomies? Been a bit quiet on the gnome front, sorry about that. Hip replacement this Spring and what with all the potholes I go clambering in and out …read more →