Listening Post: Your improvements for the Wenden Rd Pedestrian and Cycle Way

We asked you to send us your suggestions to improve the safety on the new Wenden Road Pedestrian and Cycle Way. Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has now submitted the proposals …read more →

An AstroGnomeical Success for Newport!

What a great way to end a week -the news from Newport’s UDC Cllr Neil Hargreaves that after a year of photos, reporting, emails and follow ups, shortly after I …read more →

Volunteers needed @ Caton’s Lane pitch Sunday 11th October

As Saffron Walden residents may be aware, the grassed area off Caton’s Lane between Saffron Walden Town Football Club, the Anglo-American Playing Fields and the Caton’s Lane children’s play area …read more →

R4U are having a real effect in planning for the future.

Please cast your mind back to the days of the last conservative administration at UDC. The most important committee for the lives of all of us in Uttlesford, the Plan …read more →

It’s pandegnomium on our roads…

How do Gnomies? Busy week here at the bottom of the garden. I’ve been talking to folk about Broadband speeds across the district (very important when you need it to …read more →

A ‘Hub’ at what cost?

We should not think that the pollution troubles of Volkswagen are a long way removed from life in Saffron Walden and I was made acutely aware of this by the …read more →