R4U announces Town Council candidates to continue delivering for Great Dunmow and Saffron Walden

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has announced its largest number of town council candidates for Great Dunmow (GDTC) and Saffron Walden Town (SWTC) councils on 4th May to continue its programmes …read more →

Greatest number of Residents candidates standing for May elections to keep Uttlesford free of Westminster politics

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U), the local party of north-west Essex towns and villages, has announced its greatest number candidates for the district local elections on 4th May to ‘finish the …read more →

Long-running flooding issue for residents solved near Audley End Station

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is delighted that its latest drains project, to solve the regular flooding on the B1383 / Station Approach at the entry to Wendens Ambo, has finally …read more →

R4U councillors continue their pothole campaign against Essex County Council’s “managed decline” of our roads

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) is continuing to campaign against Essex County Council’s “managed decline” of Uttlesford roads as potholes get much worse. R4U’s Cllr Paul Gadd, Essex County Councillor for …read more →

ECC new Book-to-Bin system ‘not being properly evidenced’ as Herts CC seeks to ban Uttlesford residents in return

The trial of the new pre-booking system which Essex County Council (ECC) has introduced at all of its recycling centres is a ‘sham’ and a ‘mess’ according to Residents for …read more →

Conservatives caught lying in election leaflets leads to demands for Tory chairman to step down

There are demands that the chairman of the Saffron Walden Conservative Constituency Association step down after ‘deliberate untruths’ are exposed in their district council election campaign material. R4U’s Cllr John …read more →

Survey results: 99% of residents oppose Essex County Council ‘Book-to-Bin’ system

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has now published sent Essex County Council (ECC) the results of its survey into ECC’s proposals to implement a pre-booking system at all of its recycling …read more →

Don’t lose your right to vote – Take action now

APPROVED FORMS OF PHOTO ID NOW REQUIRED TO VOTE What is the Issue? New Government rules have been brought in which will stop anyone voting who does not have an …read more →

Survey: Should ECC require booking to use their Waste Recycling Centres?

Essex County Council has announced that they will introduce a new booking system at all of their Household Waste Recycling Centres from 13 March 2023. ECC say that from that …read more →

Residents alarmed at Essex County Council’s new booking system to use Waste Recycling Centres

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U) has joined with local residents to express their alarm at ECC’s new requirement that will force residents to book to use local waste recycling centres, all …read more →