Lucy Brett

District nurse Lucy Brett has lived in Saffron Walden for over 30 years. She’s community minded and cares about our town.

“I’m passionate about protecting our town’s character, heritage and beauty. If elected, I will work hard for all residents, supporting independent businesses and events, and seeking to enhance our green spaces and public amenities.” Lucy Brett


Lucy Brett has lived in Saffron Walden for over 30 years, where she is now raising her young family. She’s community minded and passionate about our town.

She’s a district nurse who cares a lot about people. She wants to make sure our communities are a welcome home for the young and old, existing and new residents.

She is keen to safeguard and enhance our independent character, rich heritage, and natural beauty through support for local businesses, parks, playgrounds, events, and the town’s amenities and public spaces.

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    Saffron Walden Tory MP Shortlist Completed…We think…

    Morning Gnomies, Word on the footpath is that we’ll be getting’ ourselves a new MP after the Conservatives decided upon some shufflin’. Me and me fellow gnomes have been sharing …read more →

    Armstrong on Policing

    In response to recent press, prospective candidate for ECC (Dunmow) Alex Armstrong writes: “Of course the Residents for Uttlesford prospective candidates know that our police service is not run by …read more →

    Low level crime ‘won’t be dealt with’ says Essex police…

    Concerning increasing concerns about crime, here is a selection of this weeks papers, Walden Local, SW Reporter and Dunmow Broadcast. Previous week it was the sell off of the Stansted …read more →

    Press Release: R4U announces 30 district candidates and Heather Asker as MP candidate to act as residents’ local “envoy to parliament”.

    Thursday 9th April 2015, Uttlesford: Residents-for-Uttlesford (R4U), the local advocacy group for towns and villages, has announced that it will be standing 30 candidates in 17 district wards in the …read more →

    “I’m often asked where I think the housing should go”…

    Residents for Uttlesford is committed to participating in the new Uttlesford Planning Policy Working Group (UPPWG) – and I am currently a member of this group. I am often asked …read more →

    50 Shades of Uttlesford

    50 shades of grey, that’s not the books, or the film, or even the colour of my hair! But it is what most people think of Politics in general and …read more →

    …At least 45 bags of poo!

    This afternoon, as part of a Litter Pick at Herbert’s Farm Playing Field for Community Clear Up Day and the Katherine Semar Schools Fun Run, I bagged up 45 BAGS …read more →

    Dan Starr: Statement given at the Kier Hearing…

    The following statement was delivered to the Kier Appeal by resident Dan Starr – 18 March 2015: Good morning and thank you for the opportunity of addressing the appeal hearing. …read more →

    Quendon Village Hall -Meet Jo & Neil!

    Jo Parry and myself are holding another Meet the Candidates event, this time at Quendon Village Hall, on Tuesday 3rd March at 8pm. We will have the very professional manifesto …read more →