Local Plan Transport Study confirms many Uttlesford roads at capacity, Saffron Walden should not take additional mass-housing and eastern link-road is a ‘myth’

A major new Uttlesford Transport Study, which has been finally published by UDC as part of their draft Local Plan, highlights past failings and recommends that Saffron Walden and Elsenham …read more →

The signs, they ain’t a-changing…

How do Gnomies? Been a bit quiet on the gnome front, sorry about that. Hip replacement this Spring and what with all the potholes I go clambering in and out …read more →

Is Uttlexit a possibility? Should we join South Cambs?

The following is ECC Cllr John Lodge’s letter to the papers last week:   Dear Sir, I refer to a most interesting recent press letter from Stephen Daly in which …read more →

Newport Bridge Strike Success!

Newport railway bridge is struck about three times a year and near misses, which cause very similar disruption and damage, as the big trucks can’t reverse out, are happening about …read more →

Sparrows End Roadworks moved to 1/2 Term – John Lodge

I wanted to provide an update to residents about the major utility works that will shortly close the B1052 at Sparrows End Hill for 9 days. Frankly I have been as …read more →

Where were the traffic police when Newport flooded?

Our local roads were in chaos last night and most of today as Newport’s troublesome railway bridge flooded again. The first car was stuck in the water at 6.30 last …read more →

Spring Update from Dunmow’s Alex Armstrong!

We’re gradually seeing the first signs of Spring in the South of the District but work on promoting our local community in Dunmow has continued throughout the winter months. Our …read more →

Saffron Walden residents’ priorities for road improvements adopted by Town Council – Press Release

Residents for Uttlesford (R4U), the local party of towns and villages, has announced that Saffron Walden Town Council has prepared and approved a list of schemes to improve pedestrian, cycling …read more →

Residents’ power: Remedial works started on Wenden Rd by Essex County Council

We’re still working hard on behalf of residents to try to get the Wenden Rd Pedestrian and Cycle Way improved. The scheme ECC implemented is a compromise, but we want …read more →

Circling for parking? Nowhere for your bike? Pavements too narrow? Take our ‘getting around Saffron Walden’ survey.

Essex County Council has a small amount of money to be spent by communities to improve roads and pavements. It isn’t enough to make major changes to roads, so for …read more →